Color Codes for HTML
Color | Code | Color | Code |
Agua | 00FFFF | Navy | 000080 |
Black | 000000 | Olive | 808000 |
Blue | 0000FF | Purple | 800080 |
Fuchsia | FF00FF | Red | FF0000 |
Gray | 808080 | Silver | C0C0C0 |
Green | 008000 | Teal | 008080 |
Lime | 00FF00 | White | FFFFFF |
Maroon | 800000 | Yellow | FFFF00 |
Note: "0" is the number zero, NOT the letter "o"
Text Formatting Tags
<BR> | Line break |
<FONT>...</FONT> | Changes the characteristics of the enclosed text |
SIZE=? | Used with leading font tag to specify size, value may be absolute (1 to 7) or relative (-3 to +4) |
FACE="..." | Used with leading font tag to specify font face, may specify alternates by separating names with commas |
<BASEFONT> | Used in heading section to specify default font size or font face for entire document |
<DIV>...</DIV> | Surrounds block of HTML, used with ALIGN to align everything in enclosed block (text, images, paragraphs, etc.) |
ALIGN=? | Used with leading heading, font, paragraph or div tag to align text, values may be LEFT, RIGHT or CENTER |
Used to indent block of text |
&...; | Special character, named entity; e.g., "e; for quotation mark |
&#...: | Special character, numbered entity; e.g., é for accented e |
<TABLE> ...</TABLE> | Creates a table |
BORDER | Used with leading table tag to draw border around table |
<CAPTION> ...</CAPTION> | Table title, may use ALIGN= to position |
<TR>...</TR> | Table row, use ALIGN=? to specify horizontal alignment of all cells within the row, use VALIGN=? to specify vertical alignment of all cells within row (values are TOP, BOTTOM or CENTER) |
<TH>...</TH> | Table heading cell, may use ALIGN=? and VALIGN=? |
<TD>...</TD> | Table data cell, may use ALIGN=? and VALIGN=? |
ROWSPAN="..." | Used with leading TH or TD tag to specify number of rows spanned by cell, combines cells |
COLSPAN="..." | Used with leading TH or TD tag to specify number of columns spanned by cell, combines cells |
NOWRAP | Used with leading TH or TD tag to turn of automatic text wrapping |
<IMG....> | Inserts image into document |
SRC="..." | The URL of the image |
ALT="..." | Text to be displayed instead of image |
ALIGN=? | Aligns image, values may be TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, TEXTTOP, ABSMIDDLE, BASELINE or ABSBOTTOM. may also margins and wrap text using LEFT or RIGHT values. |
VSPACE="..." | Specifies vertical blank space above and below image |
HSPACE="..." | Specifies horizontal blank space left and right of image |
BGCOLOR="..." | Used with leading BODY or TABLE tag to specify background color, values are hexadecimal color number |
BACKGROUND=".." | Used with leading BODY or TABLE tag to specify background image, image is tiled, value is URL of image |